Dollywood Trip

8th Grade Dollywood Field Trip on Wednesday, April 17th.  

Buses will depart at 8:15 a.m. and will return at 6:30 p.m.

What to Bring:

  • Water bottle

  • Cell phone and charger

  • Extra money for snacks and souvenirs

  • Sunscreen or hat

  • Comfortable shoes and clothes

  • Food voucher will be given that morning

Check-in Procedures and Rules

  • Arrive at school on time and eat breakfast, if you wish.

  • Parent pick-up at 6:30 p.m. at the following group locations:

    • EBSMS bus entrance: Bedwell, Stanley, Crumpton, L. Buchanan

    • AHS gym lot:  Knight, Turman, Norris, Hagy

    • AHS baseball field lot:  Gross, Sproles, Fulton, M. Buchanan

  • Student check-in times are 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the park entrance.

  • You MUST check-in at the park entrance with an EB teacher within a 30 minute window, or you will spend the rest of the time sitting with a teacher.

  • You MUST remain with your group at all times, even if you don’t choose to ride the same rides.  Failure to follow this rule will result in staying with a teacher instead of your group.

  • You MUST follow park rules at all times or you will be sitting with a teacher on the bus.

  • You MUST stay in the park during the entire trip.

  • You MUST complete the Google Form with your cell phone number BEFORE Tuesday, April 16th.

  • Every group will meet at the emporium, the exit, at 4:00 p.m.

If you have an emergency at the park, call (423)742-7532.  This will connect you with an EB teacher.